The Code Breaker Newsletter - Issue #006

Crafting Lead Magnets And Attracting Your Ideal Clients

The Code Breaker Newsletter - Issue #006

Crafting Lead Magnets And Attracting Your Ideal Clients

Hey Code Breakers,

Welcome to this week's Code Breaker Newsletter, where we share some of the best insights, tips, and stories on how to break the code on your market and unlock the potential within your business.

Today I want to walk you through one of the most important weapons in your marketing arsenal. Your Lead Magnets!

They’re your number one tool for attracting your ideal clients and repelling those you don’t want to work with. And when you do it right, your ideal clients will practically beg you to be on your list.

You’ve likely experienced what I’m talking about yourself. You saw an ad, a post, or a video, the creator offered you something, either for free or at a low cost, and you absolutely had to have it!

Unfortunately most B2B Sales Consultants and NLP Coaches neglect their lead magnets because they don’t recognize the true power within them. But you can unlock that power.

Here’s how.

Leverage Your Creativity

When most people think of creating lead magnets they limit themselves in a number of ways…

They limit themselves by:

  • Thinking lead magnets take a ton of time to create.

  • Thinking lead magnets are only case studies or whitepapers.

  • Believing it’s a one and done process.

  • Not taking the time to understand their ideal buyers first!

But that’s not you. By the time you’re done with this weeks newsletter you’ll have at least 8 different ways to think about lead magnets and will be well on your way to attracting your ideal clients.

Step 1: Focus On Your Ideal Client

If you’ve read the last few newsletters you might be sensing a theme in my content. Everything you do - starts with who!

When you know who specifically you want to attract, creating lead magnets is easy, because you can focus on exactly what they’d want.

The reason you experience those moments of “I gotta have this” is for that very reason.

So as I walk through the different options you have at your disposal, imagine your ideal buyer is sat across from you. What would excite them? What would be so Irresistable they’d have to give you their email address (and be happy about it)? Find that and you’ll have a lead magnet that works.

Everything You Do — Starts With WHO

Step 2: Choose Your Creative Outlet

Think of lead magnets as your creative outlet. Below I’ve listed 8 different types of lead magnets (feel free to create more) and each one has various options to choose from. (And let’s just get the boring one out of the way).

  1. Case Studies & Whitepapers

    1. In my opinion one of the most over done options out there, but when done well they work.

    2. My suggestion: Make them even more appealing by offering a version with your personal highlights and notes covering only the most important content hidden within!

  2. Your Sales Message

    1. Laid out in the right format this can look like a special report, but is often just a sales letter that’s leveraging either the before - after - bridge framework or the problem - agitate - solve framework for the sales copy.

    2. When you have a well documented sales and marketing message you’d be surprised the ways you can leverage it.

  3. Quizzes

    1. People are enameled with quizzes. There’s something about the innate curiosity of human beings that draws us to wanting to know the answer.

    2. Think of a question your audiences debates about with themselves and design a quiz around it. Instant lead magnet.

  4. Summits

    1. Bring a group of great speakers together that are directly connected to your ideal clients and it’s hard for them to resist.

    2. The biggest mistake I see here is distraction from the purpose. If the speaker doesn’t help to connect the dots between you and your ideal client, why are they there?

  5. Contests

    1. Most people love contests. If there’s the chance to win something for free or gain recognition in some way it’s a win-win.

    2. Contests are a great way to grow your social media following as well. Combine it with a lead magnet and it’s a solid combo.

  6. Special Offers

    1. You likely just saw a number of these for Black Friday and Cyber Monday.

    2. Remember to think creatively. A free strategy call isn’t very interesting, but one where you offer to analyze their current sales message and provide at least 3 points of feedback has a different ring to it.

  7. Your Frameworks

    1. Doodles are your friend.

    2. Figure out a way to draw out the way you do things, even if it’s just on the back of a napkin, snap a picture on your phone and you’v got yourself a lead magnet 😉 

    3. Frameworks are also great to provide via a free workshop/training.

  8. Hard To Find Content

    1. Curating the best of anything’s has value (don’t believe me, do you remember “Now that’s what I call music Volume X”)?

    2. Think of all the things people would love to have a list of all in one place

      1. The best podcasts, YouTube videos, articles, LinkedIn, FB, IG, X posts on “x” topic

      2. The top podcast and Youtube episodes on “x” topic

      3. Your top blog posts, podcast or YouTube episodes, social posts, etc

    3. A recording of you giving a training to a mastermind group they could only have gotten if they’d been in the room.


Step 3: Distribute Your Lead Magnet

Now that you have a lead magnet, think of all the different ways you can distribute your lead magnet.

This to is only limited by your imagination as lead magnets can be accessible via a QR code on your business card, included in your email signature, shared within your phone scripts, on your website(s), on your social platforms, offered as a hook at the end of a podcast, tv or radio offer, emailed, paid ads, and mentioned at the end of a speaking engagement.

In future newsletters, I’ll get into the specifics on creating some of the above mentioned types of lead magnets, but I wanted to provide you with the foundations first.

As such, I’ll leave you with this… remember the purpose(s) of your lead magnet:

  • Generate A Lead

  • Capture Contact Information

  • Move Someone To The Next Step In Your Value Ladder

  • Build Trust

  • Increase Your Credibility

See you next week,
